
The Journey in Teaching

Ma'am Marty's everyday journey              In 6 years of teaching, she never gets tired of teaching students. While studying education, she is also a journalist in The Angelite and of course, she studied at Holy Angel University. She told me that she didn't go to a review center when she was about to take the LET exam. Also my other resource teachers, all of them didn't go to review center and they all studied in Holy Angel. All of them just studied on their own as they say.               She's a busy person yet she manages her time very well. Before teaching the grade 8 students, she is a school paper adviser who trains students to write newspapers. After that, she is teaching 4 English class,1 math and 1 filipino. She is very flexible and even though she is tired, she doesn't want to skip class because she believed that students deserved to learn today.             I hope she will never get tired of teaching those little minds of learners who w

Competence and Character

Ma'am Marty's picture with her dream catcher                                                       As I observed my resource teacher for 2 semesters. She is very intelligent I must say. Everyone, even English Teachers need the help of Ms. Marty. She also studied in Holy Angel and she was one of the journalists in The Angelite in their time and until now she is using her talent in journalism. As a teacher, she is also the school paper adviser and the chairperson of grade 8.               She masters her subject very well. She teaches without the book anymore. She uses techy things so that she can get the attention of her students and also they can learn things in other ways.               She not only intelligent but also a good role model of character. She's very kind, generous, good sense of humor and she is very organize at all things. She wants her class to be clean all the time and she talks to the students if they have a problem.             I must say

21st Century Teacher

Ma'am Marty's English Class                A 21st Century Teacher is what we need now recently to cater the needs of the students especially now in their generation where students are being techy that they tend to get bored in a normal discussion only.                As to my resource teacher, Ma'am Mart Galang, she finds ways on how she can cater the needs of the students. First, she will get their attention by using the flat screen tv to be used as the projector to present her topic. Second, if the topic has a short movie and it will be helpful to the student's learning she will let them watch it. Lastly, she will discuss it with her sense of humor so that at least the students will not get bored of her, so while discussing, she says funny jokes. Then, she will let them to collaborative learning so that students will brainstorming on what they know about the topic.                                 I think she is very confident as I observed her. She

Wong #3

                   Harry Wong's third video which is Discipline was emphasized, he also said that  in order for both the teachers and the students to succeed and have a great time, they must have an orderly environment. In making an orderly environment, we must set the rules and regulations at the start of the class so that students will be aware of the Do's and Dont's inside the classroom and also inside the campus. By being aware of these things, they would do anything bad because doing such things have also consequences and that would be punishments.         You have to be careful most of the time when giving punishments to students because if you punish them physically and emotionally, indeed, you are going to be locked up on those bars. So in giving punishments, we have to be really careful, we just have to talk to them wholeheartedly if they have problems so that we can give them advice that they need and if they did something wrong, we have to discipline them in

Educational System

        Sto. Domingo Integrated School for me is indeed a friendly school where everyone welcomes you to their school with two hands. When I got deployed to another school, I missed this school very much. Where I can see that teachers, students, parents and even faculty members are so very kind and greet you with a smile. I'm so glad that I came back here and hoping that I will still deploy here when our practice teaching comes and looking forward also to teach in this kind and conducive environment to teach.        Sto. Domingo Integrated School is a public school which follows the curriculum that DepEd implemented and this school follows it strictly. Their students managed to memorize and recite their vision and mission before starting their lesson and I think this is a very good practice so that when somebody asks if they know their vision and mission of their own school, they would not be embarrassed instead they would be proud because they know their school very well. Th

Elements of Teaching

     As an observer, I observed everything that my resource teacher and students do in their classroom. My resource teacher has the 3H already. These 3H are the head, heart, and hands. She's holistic already I guess because as I've observed her, she's already in ease when taking care of her students. As my other resource teacher told me, "If these 3 are not balanced, you'll never be a successful and effective teacher." and I agree with this because if the teacher is only knowledgeable without character, she/he has a character but not knowledgeable or if the teacher is teaching the students but don't help the students, everything is worthless.     These 5 elements of teaching, I guess all of them are important. These 5 elements also present in my resource teacher and I can see that she's doing everything to cater to the student needs. The teacher herself is very effective with the help of the materials/resources, the learning environment was okay wi

Educational Philosophy

     This is my resource teacher, Ms. Marty Galang. I've been observing in her class 2semesters already and I enjoy observing her in her class because she's very intelligent and she focused on the students and how they will acquire knowledge from her.       When I interviewed her last meeting, she said that she is Essentialism kind of a teacher just like my educational philosophy also. But on her part even though she is very traditional, her strategies and why of teaching is different. Since their curriculum is DepEd curriculum and they follow it strictly, she is also focused on students. She is very innovative somehow because she presents her topic by power point presentation and her little projector. She is very traditional yet she is flexible so that she can give the student needs.     As she said, "We may have a specific educational philosophy but I think all of us can acquire those different educational philosophies in giving the student needs, by this different